On the Eleventh Day of Christmas...
...my true left gave to me eleven Pipers Piping. I bet they made a racket, but again this is a gift I would love to receive. Have you...

On the tenth day of Christmas...
...my true love gave to me; Ten Lords a-leaping. This gift refers to the Ten Commandments. My regular readers will know that I am a...

"On the Ninth Day of Christmas...
...my true love gave to me, Nine Ladies Dancing." So this is a wonderful gift to have! It represents the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit;...

On the Eighth Day of Christmas…
…my true love gave to me; eight Maids-a-Milking. They say that you learn something new every day. Today I found out something new. I...

Happy New Year
Last night we celebrated with friends, a few drinks and nibbles and we played a few games. The one which brought out the competitive...