Warmer Weather
Isn't it amazing how when the sun comes out? Life takes on a n Whatever the sun shines on, it warms our lives and gives us benefits in...

Job...Truth, or Legend?
I have heard people, on numerous occasions, compare themselves to Job when life is going wrong for them. Job has a whole book in the Old...

"It's Not Me: It's The others!"
I have a friend who laughs and gives me that reply every time I ask her how she is. The truth is, that there are times when, if it...

Spring Is All Around...
... and doesn't it feel better? The sun is shining and we are promised some warmer weather, too. I love to see the blossom on the...

The Language of Love, Part Three
So what am I going on about with the language of love. Well, my husband and I were bought a book called, The 5 Love Languages, by Gary...

The Language Of Love, Part Two
Recently, I had a bit of a spat with my husband. I told him I'd take his lunch to him because I needed some shopping in order to make it...

The Language Of Love, Part One
When I was 14, I went to stay with a pen-friend. There was some of the time I was with her Mum. She was a nice enough lady, however,...

Love, Love, Love & Love!
Bible Gateway has a verse for the day every day. Today it is this:- The Son shows the glory of God. He is a perfect copy of God’s...

Ever Have Doubts?
I know that there are many doubts that each of us has on a daily basis. We don't think we are good enough, worth loving; or we don't...

New Start. New Life
At last, I am here again! It's been a long time, I know. I've been away on holiday and have been trying to catch up on so many things...