The Language Of Love, Part One
When I was 14, I went to stay with a pen-friend. There was some of the time I was with her Mum. She was a nice enough lady, however,...

Love, Love, Love & Love!
Bible Gateway has a verse for the day every day. Today it is this:- The Son shows the glory of God. He is a perfect copy of God’s...

Ever Have Doubts?
I know that there are many doubts that each of us has on a daily basis. We don't think we are good enough, worth loving; or we don't...

New Start. New Life
At last, I am here again! It's been a long time, I know. I've been away on holiday and have been trying to catch up on so many things...

I know that I said I'd say more about love in my next blog, I am talking about the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated. This isn't...

Love Is...
Do y Why were there so many? Simply, I believe, because Love is so big and so varied. As they were drawn as a series of love notes by a...

Mothering Sunday
There are many women who would love to have been able to be a Mum, many people who would love to have had a Mum they knew, for them, and...

The Heart. The Final Part
So today is the final part on this "Heart Blogs" series. I want to begin where I left yesterday. What we fill our hearts with is what...

The Heart, Part Two
So yesterday I spoke about looking after your heart, physically. Today, I want to talk about the emotional side. "My heart goes out to...

I haven't forgotten yesterday...
...I said it would be continued, and it will be, but I have something else to share for today. Last night I was at a music meeting and we...