An Insurance Policy?
A Lent Challenge A number of years ago, someone I worked with talked about faith with me. He had been brought up in a Methodist family...

Giving Out not Giving Up
Yesterday I talked about giving something up for Lent. Today I want to talk about flipping that on its head, and giving something for...

Chocolate Or Not?
Do you ever give up anything for Lent? I know that many people give up chocolate. I used to but I haven't for many years. So why did I...

Spring Cleaning and Avoidance
I am the sort of person who loves everything in its place but now and again, I cannot be bothered and so let things slip. But the trouble...

Life, All Change - Again
Home ordered and neat, every 'thing' in it's place, organised and sorted, life, in it's new faze. Home-life disrupted, order now bent,...

In the beginning...
As promised, I am posting my sermon - of sorts. I used to research and write an essay for my sermons, then I would reduce it to bullet...

I am preaching on Sunday. I looked at the readings set for the day some time ago and was filled with great excitement. Several years...

Spring = New Life
January the first is the start of a New Year. On the other hand, if you are in education, your New Year won't be until the beginning of...

Made With Love From Me
Today I am cooking lunch for a number of people. The number is not known but could be somewhere between 20 and 30, then again, it could...

Let It Snow.
For some of us yesterday, it snowed. I was very grateful that it did. Years ago, very few shops opened on a Sunday. Those that did were...