What A Privilege!
To today I had a "Meet the Author" event at The Secret Garden Tea Rooms. I took the greeting cards I've made and some of my book, Life...

How Do You Reach Your Potential?
I am sure that we all set ourselves targets, goals and ambitions. I guess that you will agree with me, when I say that we acheive some...

Jesus Throws Out The Ten Commandments!
Yes, you read it correctly. I did say that Jesus threw out the ten commandments. We all know about Moses and the stone tablets with the...

Who's the judge?
We all do it, don't we? We make judgements all the time, even when we don't realise it, but are we right to do so? We've all heard the...

Is it easy to do the impossible?
Initially, the first reaction is probably, "Absolutely not!", after all, it's the impossible. Right? When we stand at the bottom of a...

Is that a reason to change?
I don't know about you, but no matter how hard I try, not eating too much over Christmas, doesn't seem to work. Too many meals to go to,...

And finally, on the Twelfth Day of Christmas...
...my true love gave to me, twelve drummers drumming. This one is a deep one! It represents the twelve articles of the Apostles Creed -...

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas...
...my true left gave to me eleven Pipers Piping. I bet they made a racket, but again this is a gift I would love to receive. Have you...

On the tenth day of Christmas...
...my true love gave to me; Ten Lords a-leaping. This gift refers to the Ten Commandments. My regular readers will know that I am a...

"On the Ninth Day of Christmas...
...my true love gave to me, Nine Ladies Dancing." So this is a wonderful gift to have! It represents the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit;...