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Mothering Sunday

There are many women who would love to have been able to be a Mum, many people who would love to have had a Mum they knew, for them, and others, days like today can be difficult.

The problem is the world in which we live. The true meaning of Mothering Sunday (not Mother's Day) is not a day when we line the pockets of the shops and manufacturers of cards and gifts by buying their products at prices that are massaged upwards for the occasion.

No, it a a Christian Festival. It is the forth Sunday in Lent, a day when people went back to their Mother Church, usually either the church they were baptised in, or their home parish church.


It is said that young girls who spent their lives in service, would pick flowers along the way to give to their Mums.

Like most things, it has been commercialised beyond recognition.

Having said that, becuase of what it has become, please let's spare a thought today for:

All those women who don't have their children here anymore,

All those who have never been able to have children.

All those who have never known their Mums.

All those who have lost their Mums.

Everyone for whom today is difficult

Photo by Saketh Garuda on Unsplash

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