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Warmer Weather

Sun shining through trees

Isn't it amazing how when the sun comes out? Life takes on a n

​​ew meaninga Spring bursting into summer, brings hope with its longer, brighter days.

Whatever the sun shines on, it warms our lives and gives us benefits in more ways than one. Our physical bodies are warmed, our internal bodies benefit from the Vitamin D, the sun helps to keep our bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Even bad things seem to be so much better when the sun is shining on us. We become more enthusiastic about doing things, whether that be a "spring clean", some exercise, getting out into the garden to clear the weeds beginning to press through.

So it is the same when the Son is shining on our lives. The Son wants to be a part of our lives but He will never force His way in, but if we let Him, He will warm our hearts.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.

If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you.

And you will eat with me. Revelation 3: 20

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