I had a blitz indoors the other day. I sorted out loads of clothes that were no longer worn for a number of reasons - mainly a question of size. How many times do we find ourselves hanging on to "stuff" for one of two main reasons; sentimentality and just in case we need it / shrink into it, for example?

It's surprising just how much room we now have in the wardrobes. What is more surprising is that when my husband came home I said,
"Out of curiosity, try these on."
I handed him his suit trousers that we got married in, thirty-odd years ago. The last time he was able to fit into it, was probably about 1990!
We were both elated and surprised when the three pieces of the suit fitted beautifully.
There was another suit, a two-piece he hadn't worn for a number of years which, I knew would be too big, intended to get it altered. He didn't want to try it on before we got the the dressmaker, so when he came out of the changing room, we laughed. It was so large that it looked like a little boy wearing his Dad's suit; far too big to alter.
There are two ways I could look at this. Envy because I certainly wouldn't fit in my wedding dress, or, and this is my favourite, absolute joy that he is back to the man I married!
He has had so many health benefits to losing weight, the excess weight over the years had brought on health issues that were very serious. Now they are under control, he is fitter from all the extra physical activity and liking the new image.
If we are not careful, we can so often accept things because it's our age, 'we have to expect it as we get older', 'it's in our genes'...and so on. We can become complacent, lazy even, and don't want to be bothered.
Sometimes we need to see results before we will accept that if we do/don't do something it will have a disasterous affect on our health. Once we can see the benefits, we are encouraged to persevere.
How much better would it be if we actually did the things that would make our life better, before it got worse? We could save ourselves a lot of heartache.
Jeany Pavett,Author of Life After Death: A Mother's Story
Photo by Javier Reyes on Unsplash